Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe: Southern Crispiness Redefined

If you’re looking for a delicious and unique appetizer to serve at your next gathering, look no further than fried green tomatoes. This classic Southern dish features unripe tomatoes that are sliced, coated in a crispy batter, and fried to perfection. The result is a tangy and savory treat that’s sure to impress your guests.

To make fried green tomatoes, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients, including green tomatoes, flour, cornmeal, and spices. The key to success is to slice the tomatoes evenly and coat them thoroughly with the batter before frying. Whether you serve them as an appetizer or a side dish, fried green tomatoes are a crowd-pleaser that’s easy to make and fun to eat.

Understanding Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes are an iconic Southern dish that has gained popularity across the United States. This dish is made using unripe green tomatoes, which have a tart flavor that pairs well with the crispy coating.

Green tomatoes are simply unripe tomatoes that have not yet turned red. They are firmer and less juicy than their ripe counterparts, making them perfect for frying. The tart flavor of green tomatoes is what makes them a great ingredient for this dish.

To make Fried Green Tomatoes, the tomato slices are typically dredged in a mixture of flour and cornmeal before being skillet-fried to a golden brown perfection. This coating gives the tomatoes a crispy texture that complements the tartness of the tomato.

Fried Green Tomatoes are a versatile dish that can be served as an appetizer, side dish, or even as a main course. They are often served with a dipping sauce, such as a remoulade or a ranch dressing, to balance out the tartness of the tomatoes.

In conclusion, Fried Green Tomatoes are a delicious and easy-to-make dish that has become a staple of Southern cuisine. Whether you’re a fan of tart flavors or just looking for a new way to enjoy tomatoes, this dish is definitely worth a try.

Key Ingredients for Fried Green Tomatoes

When it comes to making the perfect fried green tomatoes, the ingredients you use can make all the difference. Here are some key ingredients you’ll need for this classic Southern dish:

Unripe Tomatoes

The star ingredient in fried green tomatoes is, of course, unripe green tomatoes. These firm and less juicy tomatoes are perfect for frying because they hold their shape and don’t turn mushy. Make sure to choose tomatoes that are still green and have not yet started to ripen.

Cornmeal and Flour

To create the perfect crispy coating for your fried green tomatoes, you’ll need a mixture of cornmeal and all-purpose flour. The cornmeal adds a crunchy texture, while the flour helps the coating adhere to the tomatoes.


Eggs are used to create a batter that helps the cornmeal and flour mixture stick to the tomatoes. Be sure to beat the eggs well before adding them to the batter.

Milk or Buttermilk

Milk or buttermilk is often added to the egg batter to help tenderize the tomatoes and add flavor. It also helps the coating stick to the tomatoes.


To add flavor to your fried green tomatoes, you’ll need a combination of salt, pepper, and other seasonings. Cayenne pepper, paprika, and seasoned salt are all great options to add a little kick to your dish.

Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is the best oil to use for frying because it has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor. Be sure to use enough oil to completely cover the tomatoes while frying.

By using these key ingredients in the right proportions, you can create the perfect fried green tomatoes that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.

Choosing the Right Kitchen Tools

When it comes to making fried green tomatoes, having the right kitchen tools can make all the difference in achieving the perfect crispy texture and flavor. Here are some essential tools you’ll need to get started:

Skillet or Frying Pan

A skillet or frying pan is a must-have for frying green tomatoes. It should be deep enough to hold enough oil to submerge the tomatoes and wide enough to allow them to cook evenly. A cast iron skillet is a great choice for frying as it distributes heat evenly and can withstand high temperatures.

Cutting Board

A sturdy cutting board is essential for slicing the green tomatoes. Choose a board that is large enough to hold the tomatoes and has a non-slip surface to prevent accidents.

Wire Rack

After frying the green tomatoes, you’ll need a wire rack to drain excess oil. This helps to keep the tomatoes crispy and prevents them from becoming soggy.


If you’re using an air fryer, you won’t need a pot. However, if you’re frying the tomatoes on the stove, you’ll need a pot to heat the oil. Choose a pot that is deep enough to hold enough oil to submerge the tomatoes and has a lid to prevent oil splatters.

Cast Iron Skillet

A cast iron skillet is a great choice for frying green tomatoes as it distributes heat evenly and can withstand high temperatures. It’s also versatile and can be used for many other cooking tasks.

In conclusion, having the right tools is essential for making perfect fried green tomatoes. Choose a skillet or frying pan, cutting board, wire rack, and pot that are appropriate for your chosen cooking method. A cast iron skillet is a great investment for frying and other cooking tasks.

Step-by-Step Recipe

If you’re looking for a delicious and crispy side dish, look no further than fried green tomatoes. This classic Southern recipe is easy to make and always a crowd-pleaser. Here’s a step-by-step recipe to help you make the perfect fried green tomatoes.


Before you start cooking, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients:

  • 4-5 green tomatoes
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  1. Begin by washing and slicing the green tomatoes into 1/4 inch rounds. A sharp knife will make this process much easier.
  2. In a shallow bowl, mix together the flour, cornmeal, salt, pepper, and paprika to create the breading mixture.
  3. In another shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs and buttermilk to create the egg wash.
  4. Dip each tomato slice into the breading mixture, making sure it is evenly coated. Shake off any excess breading.
  5. Dip the tomato slice into the egg wash, making sure it is coated on both sides. Let any excess egg wash drip off.
  6. Dip the tomato slice back into the breading mixture, making sure it is coated on both sides. Shake off any excess breading.


  1. Heat about 1/2 inch of vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat.
  2. Once the oil is hot, carefully place a few tomato slices into the pan. Be sure not to overcrowd the pan, as this will prevent the tomatoes from getting crispy.
  3. Fry the tomatoes for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they are golden brown and crispy.
  4. Once the tomatoes are cooked, remove them from the pan and let them drain on a paper towel-lined plate.


Fried green tomatoes are best served hot and crispy. They are delicious on their own, but you can also serve them with a dipping sauce, such as remoulade. If you have any leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To reheat, place them in the oven at 350°F for about 10 minutes, or until they are crispy again.

Total Time

The total time for this recipe is about 30 minutes, including prep and cook time. This recipe makes about 4-5 servings, depending on how many tomatoes you use. Enjoy!

Serving Suggestions

Fried green tomatoes make for a delicious and unique addition to any meal. Whether you’re serving them as an appetizer, side dish, or snack, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this Southern classic. Here are a few serving suggestions to get you started:


If you’re serving fried green tomatoes as an appetizer, consider pairing them with a tangy dipping sauce like ranch or remoulade. These sauces complement the crispy texture and tart flavor of the tomatoes perfectly. You can also sprinkle some fresh herbs like parsley or basil on top for an extra burst of flavor.

Side Dish

Fried green tomatoes make a great side dish for a variety of main courses. They pair well with seafood dishes like crab cakes or shrimp scampi, as well as heartier dishes like fried chicken or pulled pork. For a lighter option, serve them with a fresh salad or grilled vegetables.


Fried green tomatoes also make a tasty snack on their own. Cut them into bite-sized pieces and serve them with toothpicks for easy snacking. You can also sprinkle them with a little bit of salt and pepper for extra flavor.

Serving Size

When it comes to serving size, it’s best to plan for about 2-3 fried green tomatoes per person for an appetizer or side dish. If you’re serving them as a snack, you can adjust the portion size accordingly.

Overall, fried green tomatoes are a versatile and delicious dish that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Whether you’re serving them as an appetizer, side dish, or snack, they’re sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Storing and Reheating

If you have leftover fried green tomatoes, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to three days. To store them properly, place them in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. It’s important to keep them in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria growth.

To reheat your fried green tomatoes, there are a few different methods you can use. One option is to place them in a preheated oven at 350°F for 10-15 minutes until they are heated through. Another option is to reheat them in a skillet on the stove. To do this, heat a small amount of bacon grease or oil in a skillet over medium heat. Once the skillet is hot, add your leftover fried green tomatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until they are heated through and crispy again.

To prevent your fried green tomatoes from becoming soggy when reheating, avoid microwaving them. Microwaving can cause the breading to become soft and mushy. Instead, use the oven or skillet method mentioned above.

It’s important to note that while reheating your fried green tomatoes is possible, they are best enjoyed fresh and hot. If you know you won’t be able to finish them all, it’s best to only fry up as many as you think you’ll eat in one sitting. This will ensure that you get the best flavor and texture out of your fried green tomatoes.

Nutritional Information

Fried green tomatoes are a delicious Southern dish that can be enjoyed as an appetizer or a side dish. While they are tasty, it is important to be aware of their nutritional information.

A serving size of fried green tomatoes is typically 3-4 slices. One serving contains approximately 150-200 calories, depending on the recipe and cooking method. They are also relatively low in protein, with only 2-3 grams per serving.

Fried green tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, providing about 15-20% of your daily recommended intake. They also contain small amounts of calcium and potassium.

However, it is important to note that fried green tomatoes are high in fat and carbohydrates. One serving contains around 10-15 grams of fat, with 2-3 grams being saturated fat. They also contain approximately 20-25 grams of carbohydrates, with 5-7 grams being from sugars.

To make a healthier version of fried green tomatoes, consider baking them in the oven instead of frying. This can significantly reduce the amount of fat and calories in the dish while still maintaining its delicious flavor.

Overall, fried green tomatoes can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Just be sure to keep an eye on your portion sizes and consider healthier cooking methods to make this Southern classic a bit more nutritious.

Variations of the Recipe

If you’re looking to spice up your fried green tomato recipe, there are several variations you can try. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Summer twist: Add a touch of summer to your fried green tomatoes by topping them with a fresh corn and tomato salsa. Simply mix together diced tomatoes, corn, red onion, cilantro, and lime juice. Spoon the salsa over the fried green tomatoes and enjoy.
  • Hot and spicy: If you like a little heat, try adding some hot sauce to your fried green tomatoes. You can either mix a few dashes of hot sauce into the batter or drizzle it over the finished product.
  • Air fryer: For a healthier twist on fried green tomatoes, try using an air fryer instead of a deep fryer. Simply coat your tomato slices in a mixture of all-purpose flour and Creole seasoning, then place them in the air fryer basket. Cook at 400°F for 10-12 minutes, flipping halfway through.
  • Remoulade: For a tangy dipping sauce, try making a homemade remoulade. Simply mix together mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, capers, garlic, lemon juice, and Creole seasoning. Serve alongside your fried green tomatoes for a delicious combination of flavors.
  • Fall apart: If you’re having trouble keeping your fried green tomatoes from falling apart, try adding a little cornmeal to the batter. This will help the batter adhere to the tomato slices and keep them from falling apart during frying.
  • Red tomatoes: While traditionally made with green tomatoes, you can also use red tomatoes for a sweeter twist on the classic recipe. Simply slice your red tomatoes and follow the same batter and frying process as you would with green tomatoes.

Overall, there are many ways to customize your fried green tomato recipe to suit your taste preferences. Whether you prefer a tangy dipping sauce or a touch of spice, there’s a variation out there for everyone.

Understanding the Southern Cuisine

Southern cuisine is an essential part of American food culture. It is a diverse cuisine that is influenced by African, Native American, and European cultures. Southern cuisine is known for its use of ingredients like corn, okra, black-eyed peas, sweet potatoes, and green tomatoes. One of the most popular Southern dishes is fried green tomatoes.

Fried green tomatoes are a classic Southern recipe that has been enjoyed for generations. They are made by slicing unripe green tomatoes, dipping them in a seasoned cornmeal mixture, and frying them until golden brown. The result is a crispy, tangy, and delicious dish that can be served as an appetizer or a side dish.

Southern fried green tomatoes are traditionally cooked in a cast-iron skillet and fried in peanut oil. The cast-iron skillet provides even heat distribution and helps to create a crispy crust on the tomatoes. Peanut oil is a popular choice for frying because it has a high smoke point and adds a nutty flavor to the dish.

Fried green tomatoes are a quick and easy dish to prepare, making them a popular choice for busy weeknights or last-minute dinner parties. They can be served with a variety of dipping sauces, such as remoulade, ranch dressing, or hot sauce.

In the 1991 movie “Fried Green Tomatoes,” Jessica Tandy’s character Idgie Threadgoode serves up her famous fried green tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. The movie helped to popularize the dish and introduced it to a wider audience outside of the South.

Overall, Southern cuisine is a rich and flavorful cuisine that has a deep history and cultural significance. Fried green tomatoes are just one example of the delicious and unique dishes that can be found in Southern recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find green tomatoes to make fried green tomatoes?

Green tomatoes can be found at most grocery stores, farmers markets, or even in your own garden if you grow tomatoes. Look for firm, unripe tomatoes that are green in color.

What is an Italian-style recipe for fried green tomatoes?

To make Italian-style fried green tomatoes, season the tomato slices with salt and pepper, then coat them with breadcrumbs mixed with grated Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.

What is the Pioneer Woman’s recipe for fried green tomatoes?

The Pioneer Woman’s recipe for fried green tomatoes involves coating the tomato slices in flour, brushing off the excess, then dipping them in a mixture of buttermilk, pickle juice, and egg. Finally, coat them in a mixture of cornmeal and Creole seasoning before frying.

How do I make fried green tomatoes with flour?

To make fried green tomatoes with flour, slice the green tomatoes and season them with salt and pepper. Coat them in flour, shaking off the excess, then dip them in beaten egg and coat them in a mixture of cornmeal and flour. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.

What is a marinated recipe for fried green tomatoes?

To make marinated fried green tomatoes, slice the green tomatoes and marinate them in a mixture of buttermilk, hot sauce, and salt for at least an hour. Coat them in a mixture of flour and cornmeal, then fry them until golden brown and crispy.

What is a recipe for fried green tomatoes using panko breadcrumbs?

To make fried green tomatoes using panko breadcrumbs, season the tomato slices with salt and pepper and coat them in flour. Dip them in beaten egg, then coat them in panko breadcrumbs. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.

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