French Toast Roll-Ups

French Toast Roll-Ups: A Delicious Twist on a Classic Breakfast Dish

If you’re looking for a delicious breakfast or snack that’s easy to make, French Toast Roll-Ups might be just what you need. These tasty treats are made by rolling slices of bread around a sweet filling, dipping them in egg batter, and frying them until golden brown. They’re perfect for anyone who loves the taste of French toast but wants something a little different.

One of the great things about French Toast Roll-Ups is that they’re incredibly versatile. You can fill them with just about anything you like, from cream cheese and fruit to peanut butter and chocolate chips. They’re also a great way to use up leftover bread, since you can use any type of bread you have on hand. Plus, they’re easy to customize to your taste preferences, so you can make them as sweet or savory as you like.

To make French Toast Roll-Ups, all you need is a few basic ingredients and a little bit of time. Once you’ve got your bread and filling ready, you simply roll the bread around the filling, dip it in egg batter, and fry it up until it’s golden brown and crispy. The end result is a delicious, portable treat that’s perfect for breakfast, brunch, or even a midday snack. So why not give French Toast Roll-Ups a try and see how easy and delicious they can be?

Understanding French Toast Roll-Ups

If you’re looking for a sweet breakfast treat that’s easy to make and fun to eat, French Toast Roll-Ups are the perfect choice. These roll-ups are a versatile dish that can be served for breakfast or brunch and are perfect for entertaining guests.

French Toast Roll-Ups are essentially a twist on traditional French toast. Instead of simply dipping slices of bread in an egg and milk mixture, you roll the bread around a filling of your choice, creating a delicious and unique breakfast treat.

The great thing about French Toast Roll-Ups is how versatile they are. You can fill them with just about anything you like, from cream cheese and fruit to Nutella and peanut butter. The possibilities are endless, making it easy to create a dish that everyone will love.

When it comes to making French Toast Roll-Ups, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to use bread that’s sturdy enough to hold up to the filling. Brioche or challah bread are good choices, as they’re thick and dense.

To make the roll-ups, you’ll need to cut the crusts off the bread and flatten it out with a rolling pin. Then, add your filling and roll the bread up tightly. Dip the roll-ups in an egg and milk mixture, then cook them in a skillet until they’re golden brown on all sides.

French Toast Roll-Ups are a delicious and fun way to enjoy a classic breakfast dish. Whether you’re serving them for a special occasion or just want to mix up your breakfast routine, they’re sure to be a hit.

Ingredients Required

To make French Toast Roll-Ups, you will need a few key ingredients. Here is a list of the ingredients you will need:

  • Bread: Soft white bread or white sandwich bread works best for this recipe.
  • Eggs: Large eggs are used to make the egg mixture for dipping the bread.
  • Milk: Whole milk is preferred for a richer flavor, but low-fat milk can also be used.
  • Cinnamon: Ground cinnamon is used to add flavor to the egg mixture.
  • Sugar: Granulated sugar is used to sweeten the egg mixture and cinnamon sugar mixture.
  • Butter: Unsalted butter is melted and used to coat the bread before rolling it up.
  • Cream cheese: Cream cheese is used to make the filling for the roll-ups.
  • Cinnamon sugar: A mixture of cinnamon and sugar is used to coat the outside of the roll-ups.
  • Maple syrup: Maple syrup is used as a topping for the finished roll-ups.

In addition to these basic ingredients, you can also add other ingredients to customize your French Toast Roll-Ups. Some popular additions include:

  • Fruit: Diced strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, or apple pie filling can be added to the cream cheese filling or used as a topping.
  • Nutella: Chocolate-hazelnut spread can be spread on the bread before rolling it up.
  • Chocolate chips: Miniature chocolate chips can be added to the cream cheese filling or used as a topping.
  • Peanut butter: Peanut butter can be spread on the bread before rolling it up.
  • Caramel: Caramel sauce can be drizzled on top of the finished roll-ups.
  • Jams: Strawberry, raspberry, or cherry jam can be added to the cream cheese filling.

With these ingredients, you can create a variety of delicious French Toast Roll-Ups to enjoy for breakfast or brunch.

Nutritional Information

If you’re watching your diet, you may be wondering about the nutritional value of French Toast Roll-Ups. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional information you need to know.


One French Toast Roll-Up contains approximately 122-150 calories, depending on the recipe and ingredients used. If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to keep track of your calorie intake.


French Toast Roll-Ups typically contain around 7-15 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Most of these carbs come from the bread used to make the roll-ups. If you’re following a low-carb diet, you may want to limit your intake of French Toast Roll-Ups.


French Toast Roll-Ups are typically made with butter, cream cheese, or other high-fat ingredients. As a result, they can be high in fat. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up can contain anywhere from 5-10 grams of fat.


Eggs are a key ingredient in French Toast Roll-Ups, which means they can be high in cholesterol. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up can contain up to 50 milligrams of cholesterol.


French Toast Roll-Ups can be high in sodium, especially if they’re made with processed ingredients like canned fruit or pre-packaged bread. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up can contain up to 300 milligrams of sodium.


French Toast Roll-Ups typically contain around 1-3 grams of protein per serving. While this may not seem like a lot, it can be a good source of protein if you’re looking for a quick breakfast or snack.


French Toast Roll-Ups are not typically a good source of fiber. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up may contain less than 1 gram of fiber.

Saturated Fat

French Toast Roll-Ups can be high in saturated fat, which is not good for your heart health. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up can contain up to 5 grams of saturated fat.


French Toast Roll-Ups are not typically a good source of potassium. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up may contain less than 50 milligrams of potassium.

Vitamin A

French Toast Roll-Ups are not typically a good source of vitamin A. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up may contain less than 2% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin A.


French Toast Roll-Ups are not typically a good source of calcium. Depending on the recipe, one roll-up may contain less than 2% of your daily recommended intake of calcium.

Preparation Tools

To make French Toast Roll-Ups, you’ll need a few tools to get started. Here are the essential preparation tools you’ll need:


You’ll need a whisk to beat the eggs and milk together in a shallow bowl. A whisk will help you to evenly combine the ingredients and create a smooth mixture.

Rolling Pin

A rolling pin is an essential tool for flattening the bread slices. Use a rolling pin to flatten each slice of bread, making it easier to roll up with the filling.

Pan or Skillet

You’ll need a pan or skillet to cook the French Toast Roll-Ups. Use a non-stick pan or skillet to prevent the roll-ups from sticking to the surface.


If you want to keep your French Toast Roll-Ups warm while you cook the remaining batches, you can place them in the oven. Preheat your oven to 200°F and place the cooked roll-ups on a baking sheet.


Use a fork to whisk the egg mixture and to dip the roll-ups into the mixture. You can also use a fork to flip the roll-ups while cooking.


A knife is essential for cutting the crusts off the bread slices. You can also use a knife to cut the roll-ups into smaller pieces for serving.

Shallow Bowl

You’ll need a shallow bowl to whisk the eggs and milk together for the egg mixture. A shallow bowl will make it easier to dip the bread slices into the mixture.


If you want to prepare the roll-ups ahead of time, you can store them in the refrigerator until you’re ready to cook them. Wrap the roll-ups in plastic wrap and store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.


If you’re making the cinnamon sugar mixture for the filling, you can melt the butter in the microwave. Place the butter in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it for 10-15 seconds until it’s melted.

Overall, these preparation tools will help you to make delicious French Toast Roll-Ups. With these tools and a little bit of preparation, you’ll be able to create a tasty breakfast or brunch dish that everyone will love.

Preparing the Bread

To make French Toast Roll-Ups, you will need soft, pliable bread that can be easily rolled up. Soft white bread or white sandwich bread is perfect for this recipe as it is easy to work with and has a mild flavor that won’t overpower the filling.

Before you start rolling the bread, you need to flatten it out. Using a rolling pin, gently flatten each slice of bread until it is thin and pliable. This will make it easier to roll and prevent the bread from tearing.

If you don’t have a rolling pin, you can use a flat-bottomed glass or your hands to flatten the bread. Just be sure to apply gentle pressure to avoid tearing the bread.

Once the bread is flattened, it’s time to add the filling. Spread the filling evenly over the bread, leaving a small border around the edges. This will prevent the filling from oozing out when you roll up the bread.

After you’ve added the filling, carefully roll up the bread, starting at one end and rolling tightly to the other end. Press the edges together to seal the roll.

Repeat the process with the remaining slices of bread and filling until you have the desired number of rolls.

Overall, preparing the bread for French Toast Roll-Ups is a simple process that requires only a few basic steps. With the right bread and a little practice, you’ll be rolling up delicious breakfast treats in no time.

Making the Filling

To make the perfect French Toast Roll-Ups, you need to have a delicious filling that complements the taste of the bread. There are many different fillings you can use, but the most popular ones include cream cheese, fruit, Nutella, and jams. Here’s how to make the filling for your French Toast Roll-Ups:

Cream Cheese Filling

To make a cream cheese filling, you need to mix together cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract until it’s smooth and creamy. You can also add some diced strawberries or cherries to the mixture to give it a fruity twist.

Fruit Filling

If you’re a fan of fruity French Toast Roll-Ups, you can use different types of fruit as a filling. Some popular options include diced strawberries, sliced bananas, and apple pie filling. You can also mix different types of fruit together to create a unique and tasty filling.

Nutella Filling

For a chocolatey twist, you can use Nutella as a filling for your French Toast Roll-Ups. Simply spread a generous amount of Nutella on the bread before rolling it up. You can also add some sliced bananas or strawberries to the mixture to make it even more delicious.

Jam Filling

If you prefer a sweeter filling, you can use different types of jams as a filling. Some popular options include strawberry jam, raspberry jam, and blueberry jam. You can also use spreadable fruit or fruit preserves instead of jam.

In conclusion, making the perfect filling for your French Toast Roll-Ups is all about experimenting with different ingredients and finding the perfect combination that suits your taste buds. Whether you prefer a fruity, chocolatey, or sweet filling, there’s a filling out there that will make your French Toast Roll-Ups taste amazing.

Rolling and Sealing the Roll-Ups

Now that you have your French Toast Roll-Up filling ready, it’s time to roll and seal the roll-ups. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Lay a slice of bread on a flat surface and use a rolling pin to flatten it out.
  2. Spread the filling on the flattened slice of bread, leaving a small border around the edges.
  3. Roll the bread tightly around the filling, using your hands to keep the roll-up tight as you go.
  4. Once the roll-up is complete, use your fingers to seal the edges shut. This will prevent the filling from leaking out during cooking.
  5. Repeat the process with the remaining slices of bread and filling.

It’s important to note that the rolling and sealing process requires a bit of finesse. If you roll the bread too tightly, the filling may squeeze out of the ends. If you don’t seal the edges properly, the filling may leak out during cooking. However, with a bit of practice, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

To make the process easier, you can also use toothpicks to hold the roll-ups together while cooking. Simply insert a toothpick into each end of the roll-up to keep the filling from escaping.

Overall, rolling and sealing French Toast Roll-Ups is a simple process that anyone can do with a bit of practice. Just take your time, use a light touch, and you’ll have delicious roll-ups in no time.

Creating the Egg Mixture

To make perfect French Toast Roll-Ups, you need to start with a great egg mixture. The egg mixture is the foundation of your dish and will determine the flavor and texture of your roll-ups. Here’s how to create the perfect egg mixture for your French Toast Roll-Ups.


The ingredients for the egg mixture are simple and easy to find. You will need:

  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Vanilla extract

Whisking the Ingredients

To create the egg mixture, crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them together. Add the milk and vanilla extract and whisk again until the mixture is smooth and well combined. You can use a fork or a whisk to mix the ingredients together.

Adjusting the Mixture

Depending on your taste preferences, you can adjust the amount of milk or vanilla extract you use in the egg mixture. If you want your roll-ups to be sweeter, you can add more vanilla extract. If you want your roll-ups to be lighter, you can add more milk.

Tips for a Perfect Egg Mixture

  • Use room temperature eggs for a smoother and more consistent mixture.
  • Whisk the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
  • Use a shallow bowl to make it easier to dip the bread slices into the mixture.
  • Don’t let the bread slices soak in the mixture for too long, or they will become too soggy.

With these tips and tricks, you can create the perfect egg mixture for your French Toast Roll-Ups.

Coating and Cooking the Roll-Ups

To start coating the French Toast Roll-Ups, you will need to prepare an egg mixture. In a shallow dish, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt until well combined.

Next, take a slice of bread and flatten it slightly with a rolling pin. Place your desired filling – such as cream cheese, Nutella, or diced strawberries – about an inch from one end of the bread in a strip. Roll the bread up tightly, making sure to tuck in the sides to prevent the filling from leaking out. Repeat with the remaining slices of bread and filling.

Now it’s time to cook the roll-ups. Heat a skillet over medium heat and melt a tablespoon of butter. Dip each roll-up in the egg mixture, making sure to coat it well on all sides. Place the roll-up in the skillet seam-side down and cook for 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Flip the roll-up and cook for another 1-2 minutes until the other side is golden brown as well. Repeat with the remaining roll-ups, adding more butter to the skillet as needed.

If you prefer a crispier texture, you can also bake the roll-ups in the oven. Preheat the oven to 375°F and place the roll-ups on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush each roll-up with melted butter and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden brown and crispy.

Overall, coating and cooking the French Toast Roll-Ups is a straightforward process that can be customized to your liking. With a few key ingredients and some basic cooking techniques, you can create a delicious and satisfying breakfast treat that is sure to impress.

Serving Suggestions

French Toast Roll-Ups are a delicious breakfast treat that can be served in a variety of ways. Here are some serving suggestions to help you enjoy your French Toast Roll-Ups to the fullest:

Syrup and Icing

French Toast Roll-Ups are best served with a drizzle of syrup or icing on top. Maple syrup is a classic choice, but you can also try other types of syrup such as blueberry or strawberry. If you want to add a touch of sweetness, you can also sprinkle some powdered sugar on top of your French Toast Roll-Ups.

Whipped Cream

For a decadent treat, try serving your French Toast Roll-Ups with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Whipped cream adds a creamy texture and a touch of sweetness to your French Toast Roll-Ups. You can also add some berries or sliced fruit on top of your whipped cream for an extra burst of flavor.


If you’re a fan of caramel, you can drizzle some caramel sauce on top of your French Toast Roll-Ups. Caramel adds a rich, sweet flavor that complements the cinnamon and sugar in your French Toast Roll-Ups. You can also add some chopped nuts or a sprinkle of sea salt on top of your caramel for a delicious contrast of flavors.

In conclusion, French Toast Roll-Ups are a versatile breakfast treat that can be served in many ways. Whether you prefer syrup, whipped cream, or caramel, you can customize your French Toast Roll-Ups to suit your taste buds. So, go ahead and experiment with different toppings and find your perfect combination!

Storing and Reheating

If you have any leftover French Toast Roll-Ups, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Make sure to let them cool down to room temperature before storing them. If you want to freeze them, wrap each roll-up in plastic wrap and place them in a freezer-safe container or bag. They can be stored in the freezer for up to two months.

When you are ready to reheat your French Toast Roll-Ups, there are a few options to choose from. If you are short on time, you can use the microwave. However, this method can make them a bit soggy. To reheat in the microwave, place the roll-ups on a microwave-safe plate and heat them for 30 seconds to one minute. Check them after 30 seconds and continue heating in 10-second intervals until they are warm.

For a crisper texture, you can reheat your French Toast Roll-Ups in the oven. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and place the roll-ups on a baking sheet. Bake them for 10-15 minutes or until they are heated through and crispy on the outside.

Another option is to reheat them on the stovetop. Melt some butter in a skillet over medium heat and add the roll-ups. Cook them for 2-3 minutes on each side or until they are heated through and crispy.

Overall, French Toast Roll-Ups are a delicious breakfast treat that can be easily stored and reheated for later. Whether you choose to use the microwave, oven, or stovetop, your roll-ups will be warm and delicious in no time.

Additional French Toast Recipes

If you’re a fan of French Toast Roll-Ups, you’re sure to love these other delicious French Toast recipes. Whether you’re looking for a breakfast casserole, overnight French Toast, French Toast sticks, or just another creative breakfast recipe, we’ve got you covered.

French Toast Casserole

If you’re feeding a crowd or just want to make breakfast ahead of time, French Toast Casserole is the perfect solution. This recipe is easy to make and can be prepared the night before, so all you have to do in the morning is bake it and serve.

To make French Toast Casserole, you’ll need bread, eggs, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Cut the bread into cubes and place them in a greased baking dish. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Pour the egg mixture over the bread cubes and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, bake the casserole in the oven until it’s golden brown and crispy.

Overnight French Toast

If you’re short on time in the morning, Overnight French Toast is a great option. This recipe can be prepared the night before and baked in the morning, so you can have a delicious breakfast without the hassle.

To make Overnight French Toast, you’ll need bread, eggs, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Cut the bread into slices and place them in a greased baking dish. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Pour the egg mixture over the bread slices and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, bake the French Toast in the oven until it’s golden brown and crispy.

French Toast Sticks

If you’re looking for a fun and easy breakfast recipe for kids, French Toast Sticks are a great option. They’re easy to make and fun to eat.

To make French Toast Sticks, you’ll need bread, eggs, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Cut the bread into strips and dip them in a mixture of eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Fry the bread strips in a pan until they’re golden brown and crispy. Serve the French Toast Sticks with syrup or your favorite dipping sauce.

Other Breakfast Recipes

If you’re looking for other creative breakfast recipes, there are plenty of options to choose from. Some popular breakfast recipes include pancakes, waffles, omelets, and breakfast burritos. You can also try adding different toppings or fillings to your French Toast Roll-Ups, such as fruit, chocolate chips, or cream cheese.

No matter what kind of breakfast recipe you’re looking for, there are plenty of delicious options to choose from. Whether you’re in the mood for French Toast Roll-Ups, French Toast Casserole, Overnight French Toast, French Toast Sticks, or something else entirely, you’re sure to find a recipe that you love.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Roll-Ups

French Toast Roll-Ups are a fun and easy breakfast or brunch option that everyone will love. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make perfect roll-ups every time.

Use Room Temperature Cream Cheese

When making roll-ups, it’s important to use room temperature cream cheese. This will make it easier to spread onto the bread and will prevent tearing. If your cream cheese is too cold, you can soften it by microwaving it for a few seconds or leaving it out at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Flatten the Bread

To make sure your roll-ups are evenly cooked, it’s important to flatten the bread before rolling it up. You can use a rolling pin or the palm of your hand to gently flatten the bread. This will also make it easier to roll up the bread with the filling inside.

Use Caramel or Maple Syrup for Extra Flavor

For an extra burst of flavor, try drizzling caramel or maple syrup over your French Toast Roll-Ups. This will add sweetness and richness to the dish and make it even more delicious.

Make Them Portable

If you’re on the go, you can make your roll-ups more portable by cutting them into bite-sized pieces. This will make them easy to eat with your hands and perfect for breakfast on the go.

Quick and Easy to Make

French Toast Roll-Ups are quick and easy to make, which makes them perfect for busy mornings. You can even make them ahead of time and store them in the fridge or freezer for a quick breakfast option during the week.

Follow these tips and tricks for perfect French Toast Roll-Ups every time. They’re easy, quick, and delicious, making them the perfect breakfast or brunch option for any occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of bread is best for making French toast roll-ups?

The best bread for making French toast roll-ups is one that is sturdy and can hold its shape when rolled up. Brioche, challah, and white bread are all great options. Sourdough bread can also be used for a tangy twist.

What are some popular toppings to put on French toast roll-ups?

The possibilities for toppings on French toast roll-ups are endless. Some popular options include fresh fruit, whipped cream, powdered sugar, maple syrup, and chocolate chips. You can also add savory toppings like bacon and cheese for a unique twist.

How long should you soak the bread before making French toast roll-ups?

The bread should be soaked in the egg mixture for about 30 seconds on each side before rolling it up. This will ensure that the bread is fully coated and will cook evenly.

What are some healthy variations of French toast roll-ups?

To make French toast roll-ups healthier, you can use whole wheat bread or a bread with seeds and grains for added nutrition. You can also fill them with fresh fruit and top them with Greek yogurt instead of whipped cream or syrup.

What are some easy recipes for making French toast roll-ups?

There are many easy recipes for making French toast roll-ups. One simple recipe involves filling the bread with cream cheese and strawberries, rolling it up, and cooking it in a pan until golden brown. Another recipe involves filling the bread with Nutella and bananas, rolling it up, and cooking it until crispy.

Can French toast roll-ups be made with sausage instead of sweet fillings?

Yes, French toast roll-ups can be made with savory fillings like sausage and cheese instead of sweet fillings. Simply fill the bread with your desired filling, roll it up, and cook it until crispy.

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